首頁 小說 〉 How The Twins Grew Up 雙生子成長的故事

How The Twins Grew Up 雙生子成長的故事 

作者:米魯廷.朱里齊科維奇(Milutin Djurickovic) 翻譯:李魁賢

米魯廷.朱里齊科維奇(Milutin Djurickovic),1967年出生於塞爾維亞共和國德干市(Dečanе),獲東塞拉耶佛哲學院博士學位,現任阿萊克西納茨師範學院教授。多家報紙和雜誌的特約作者。作品被選入詩、小說和兒童故事選集,共40種。他的詩整本或單篇翻譯成20種語言。為塞爾維亞皇家學院、世界詩人聯合會、塞爾維亞作家協會和塞爾維亞記者協會會員。共出版詩、小說、故事、評論、論著、選集等55冊。現住在貝爾格萊德。

感謝詩人李魁賢先生推薦他的翻譯作品,來自塞爾維亞現代作家米魯廷.朱里齊科維奇近作《雙生子成長的故事》(How The Twins Grew Up),以淺顯、優雅的文句,為青少年創作的短篇散文集,內容極為珍貴,值得在學文青們欣賞、閱讀,本刊徵得李魁賢先生的授權,予以中英對照分期刊登,分享本刊讀者。

My ancestors have come from a mountain village, and as years went by they moved to a town.My grandfather's name was Petar. He was young when he died of some rare and unknown disease,and left the house full of children. The oldest among them was my father, who from his early age had to take care of everything. When he grew up he married a girl from a neighboring town. After a year of a harmonious marriage, their dreams came true and they had a baby on its way.

–You should treat us now, you have a son! – my father was told at a maternity hospital.
On that day, 1st of July, he was very happy and confused at the same time.

– Of course – my father replied, on his way to buy the gifts.

In ten minutes, he came back to the maternity ward, carrying gifts to the nurse who had announced the good news to him.

–You have a son, you should treat us now! – The same woman told him with a big smile on her face.

–I know, you told me – my father answered, expressing his gratitude and presenting gifts.

–Yes, but that was the first son. There is another one!

My father was dumbstruck and stood for a moment.

–Are you sure? – he asked, agitated.

–Of course, congratulations! You got twins, and your wife is well and recovering – she said.

Without much hesitation, my father went to fetch another gift. He felt as if he got wings. He treated everybody without exception. When he came back to the maternity ward, he addressed the very same nurse:

–Tell me, are there more kids, so I don’t have to go again to bring gifts?

Of course, the woman understood the joke and added that my father was a very lucky man, because having twins was not a small thing.

After a few days spent in the hospital, satisfied and happy mother returned home with two sons in her arms. The whole family was excited and happy, and they were already contemplating about our names. Everyone had their own suggestions:

–Jorgos and Dimitrios – my uncle said.

–Rambo and Dumbo – added another aunt.

However, although all proposals were nice, our parents decided that our names would be Siniša and Saša. Everyone loved it; even the best man was informed. However, everything changed when our grandmother returned from spas. Since she was the eldest in the family, her word was much appreciated:

–I don’t like these names, because I’m toothless and cannot pronounce them. Name them: Milutin and Milan!

This is how the two of us finally received our names. Godfather only blessed what grandma had said, and there were no more discussions. As time was passing by, the two of us had grown side by side. They say that we were totally the same, and only our mother could recognize us by the way we were crying.

–If this is Milutin, then the other one must be Milan!

–And what if it were the other way around? – The household members would say.

Having in mind that in those days, 40-something years ago, a twin baby pregnancy was a rarity – we had to be sealed together! They always bought us toys, food, clothes and everything else in twos. This is why there was no reason to quarrel or argue about anything. The household members say we were good and quiet babies, and we have tried to be such persons later in life.

Our grandmother loved and took care of us in a special way, because we were her first grandsons. Everybody pampered and protected us in the best possible way. The first words I uttered were not mom or dad – but granny! And my brother's first word was: money!

The first problems emerged when we started to walk. We would go to hen-house, eat the land from flowerpots, open the door of the washing machine and drank the water inside, were stretching our cat like a slingshot, were pouring milk upon each other...

Granny always defended us, saying that we were still small.

We were always in the spotlight, no matter what kind of celebrations or guests were involved. Everyone said we brought good luck and prosperity, abundantly treating us and giving presents, and we liked it a lot, so we would go to the neighbors even when it was not Christmas.

Our granny often used to tell us folk songs and lullabies, mammy short stories and fairy tales, and our daddy some verses the content of which we could not best understand.
